My campaign is founded on three words, leadership through service. This commitment is reflected in five key issues:

1. Fiscal Responsibility
San Bruno’s budget is about to implode – around $9 million dollars in the negative. Even before the Pandemic, it was MINUS $4.2 million last December, when other cities had surpluses, which they are now drawing upon to financially survive. If elected, I will be a “fiscal hawk” to ensure that our budget – which is YOUR taxes from your hard-earned money – are spent wisely and frugally. San Bruno residents should demand an end to “tax and spend” policies. As a successful small business owner, I have the financial experience to lead the city in this direction.

2. Senior Services
15% of San Mateo County’s population is over 65, and this number is expected to dramatically increase. Affordable senior housing needs to be built in San Bruno, and I will advocate for this if elected. My father, Bob Marshall, was Mayor of San Bruno for 12 years starting in 1980. One of his greatest accomplishments was the creation of our Senior Center. The Center is a fantastic resource for our community, offering a free lunch program and a wide variety of classes and programs. I intend to maintain and expand those programs so that we can advance the dignity and quality of life of our older adults.

3. Homelessness
Homeless camps in San Bruno are an ongoing problem. I have very personal experiences around addiction and homelessness and I plan to use those real life experiences while working with the County and State to find a compassionate way to house the homeless and cleanup homeless encampments and the litter from them. When people feel safe, communities thrive. Nothing is more important than the safety of our residents.

4. Strengthening Infrastructure
To keep our city running smoothly, one must be ready to handle a variety of issues, from parking solutions and downtown commercial redevelopment to San Bruno Cable TV planning. Using my sharp negotiation skills, and relationships built over decades, I look forward to tackling any issues that may arise.

5. Accessibility
Responsiveness is the hallmark of my professional life.
If elected, I will maintain an open-door policy. I’ve always been a good listener – but now is the time for greater personal engagement. I pledge to be accessible, responsive, authentic, and transparent.


If you would like to show your support with a yard sign, please call me personally at: 650-455-1528.